Honesty, when done mindfully, is necessary for many reasons. It allows you to provide valuable feedback that can help your employer improve their workplace, demonstrates professionalism and commitment to improving the company, and can benefit you in the long run by enhancing its reputation. While it may be challenging to provide negative feedback, it is helpful to remember that your feedback can help create positive change and that honesty is always the best policy.
One of the main reasons exit interviews are important is they provide a unique perspective on the company's culture and operations. Employees who are leaving are often more candid and honest than those who are still employed.
There isn't any excuse for bad behaviour in the workplace, but by staying strong and having a plan, you will be able to cope better until you can change your situation.
Regardless of where you work, it's essential to keep your word and communicate well with your colleagues and boss. If you've promised to do something meaningful, have a deadline to meet or anything else for that matter, you must ensure it gets done and you communicate clearly. When you work from home, this holds even more so as it is important to create trust and reliability. Unlike being at the office every day, there will be weeks or months when people don't see you (out of sight, out of mind), and if you don't complete your work as promised or expected, it can cause others to doubt your abilities. Always communicate regularly and keep your word.
The best starting point is to look at what is directly within your control. We already know the things we can't do at this moment in time, so it only makes sense to come to terms accepting it and focus on moving onto what you can do instead. We have the cup half full attitude. It is how you look at the situation that matters, so being positive is essential.
Writing down your goals creates a picture in your mind about how you want your future to unfold. It helps you to gain clarity and understand the difference achieving the goal will make in your life. When you see something clearly, it will give you direction. With this in mind, we are more likely to be productive and creative as achieving the goal will transform our lives. Writing your goals down is essential regardless if it’s big or small. Direction and clarity are golden.
How many times have you been upset by a problem but you don't know what to do? The more you think about the problem, the worse it gets. Have you noticed that your problem only resolves itself once you are calm?
The word pandemic brings on so many different emotions. We have had to alter our lives, daily routines and create social bubbles, eliminating many social gatherings. All are necessary to help control virus spread, yet it dramatically impacts our mindset. Existing vs thriving. Let's help improve that and find ways to help us succeed regardless of what's going on around us.